I came across an article the other day which I found described my situation perfectly. It was called analysis paralysis. It explained analysis paralysis as delaying something you've been meaning to do because in your mind, you keep telling yourself that you're not prepared enough or you keep waiting for the right time or optimal conditions. Excuses are constantly made, the perfect time never comes and the task never gets done. (So I may have paraphrased). A good example of this is starting a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes people think that they have so much weight to lose that they don't see the point in trying. Or, they might compare their journey to others and feel overwhelmed, think that they may never come close to the level of others and think that it would be better off sparing themselves the shame.
This is exactly what I have been doing with job searching. For the longest time, I put off writing a resume and finding a job because I felt that my resume would be quite dull and inadequate. I didn't look for a job as I knew that most employers wanted someone with experience, something I didn't have. (Experience is always something you get right after you need it.) I felt disadvantaged because it seemed like everyone had a job at 16. My parents did not approve of me having a job in high school. As tragic as that was, what I should have done was just get out there and try anyway as soon as I graduated high school. But instead, I used it as an excuse. Even though I didn't have a long list of awards from high school, didn't become school captain, didn't have a resume as sparkly as others, didn't mean I could keep putting it off until the last minute. Comparing myself to others never really does me any good.. I guess I got so overwhelmed that I never gave myself a chance. |